Taunton Youth for Christ

Taunton Youth for Christ

Taunton Youth for Christ (TYFC) is a dynamic and innovative Christian faith-based youth and community organisation working with young people, primarily in the area of Taunton.

TYFC is involved in youth and schools work. TYFC is in partnership with churches, schools, the local police, the local authority, and other community organisations. It works in conjunction with the following schools: Bishop Fox’s, Castle, Court Fields, and Taunton Academy. More information can be found on the website: https://taunton.yfc.co.uk/

Taunton Youth for Christ van outreach in Taunton

Ongoing Work

TYFC wishes to support the church by teaching young people to share the gospel well. This enabling role, means that the volunteers are better equipped to focus on building relationship and connecting with young people in their local church area.

The Charity is committed to the 4 D evangelism model. TYFC endeavours to:

Demonstrate the love of God,

Declare who Jesus is, creating opportunities for:

a Decision to follow Him,

and the Discipleship of young people, that they might live their lives to the full.

TYFC has, since September 2022, obtained an `outreach van’, which can be utilised as a safe place for young people to come to. The van can be taken to those areas where young people congregate: the gospel can be talked about, a listening ear offered, drinking hot chocolate provided, and the sharing of life stories.

Recent Updates

Keep up to date with TYFC’s most recent news:


Taunton Team Chaplaincy


The Church's Ministry among Jewish People