Ministry Fund 

Two Churches, One Vision

Gold cross in traditional church

Ways to Give

Could you begin to give regularly or review your regular giving?

To give to All Saints Trull click here.

To give to Orchard Grove Church click here.

Could you give towards the Ministry Fund?

To give online to the Ministry Fund click here

For alternative ways of giving, please contact Imogen Taylor:

We estimate that an additional £40,000 will ensure that ministry is secured in Trull and Orchard Grove for the next 5 years, at which point we estimate costs will become sustainable.

Find out more about the Ministry Fund below.

Two Churches, One Vision

All Saints Trull commissioned a team to plant Orchard Grove Church in September 2024.

The purpose of this is to make the most of the opportunity on our doorstep, reaching new people in a new way with the love of Jesus. We hope to make mature disciples of Jesus across our parish, with All Saints Church serving Trull village and Orchard Grove Church serving the new community in Orchard Grove.  

We have a fantastic opportunity to secure our two paid ministers in the parish for the foreseeable future to serve both Trull and Orchard Grove.

To make this possible, the PCC has launched a fundraising campaign with two key elements:

Firstly, we are all encouraged to review our regular giving. In the last five years, inflation has increased prices by almost 25%, including 10% in the last two years (as measured by the CPI). That means, for example, that £125 of giving is needed now to have the same purchasing power as £100 given 5 years ago. Any increase in our regular giving over and above the rate of inflation is even better.

Secondly, we are looking to build a ministry fund through a one-off campaign. We have set a target of £40,000. This fundraising will help to secure ministry in Trull and Orchard Grove for the next five years. In other words, your generosity in response to God’s faithful provision, will enable ministry through two stipendiary (paid) clergy in the parish: the Rector for Trull with Angersleigh (i.e. Andy Wadsworth) and an Associate Minister with responsibilities for Orchard Grove (i.e. Jon Ball).