All Saints
We want to see young people thrive and flourish in our community! Our young people are the church of today. We are so excited to grow with them, to serve alongside them, and to see them grow in their Christian lives and faith.

All Saints Youth Groups
When is it? During the Ten30 Service on a Sunday morning.
Who can come? Watchers is our Sunday group for ages 11-14.
What we do! We begin our time in the service to sing songs and pray. We then head off to our group time where we read the Bible, chat and ask questions about life, the universe, and everything! After the service there are snacks and drinks! (We also do the occasional trip in the summer!)
When is it? Two Mondays a month, from 5pm - 6:15pm, see our rota for details.
Who can come? Girls in school years 6-9.
What we do! Encounter is a new group for girls. The group aims to support, encourage and help you grow in your faith as a young woman. It is a great place to ask big questions and think about life and faith and have fun together.
When is it? Friday evening in term-time. 7:45-9:30pm in the East Hall of the TCCC.
Who can come? Pulse is our weekly group for ages 14-18.
What we do! We eat snacks, and play games. We talk about passages in the Bible and wider important topics which affect our lives. It is a great place to ask big questions and think about life and faith.
Join the team
If you love spending time investing in the younger generation, hanging out, playing dodgeball and aren't afraid of engaging with the odd random question, we would love to hear from you!
Growing / Belonging
We’re always keen to give our teenagers opportunities to grow, and learn from those a little further on.
So, whether they might be musically gifted, natural born leaders, (or just want to try something new!) we will do our best to encourage and support them to take on new challenges.
Outreach & Summer Camps
In the summer we go on summer Venture camps together. A big group from Trull go to Sparkford 3 every year.
It is a great time to get to know each other, learn about God, and have loads of fun. The best bits are the wide game, slip and slide, and croccer (a combo of football/soccer and cricket!)