Our Team

  • Andy Wadsworth Vicar at All Saints Trull Church, Taunton

    Andy Wadsworth


    Andy joined us in 2018 and oversees all the activities here at All Saints. He used to be a shopping centre developer in the big city but now enjoys preaching, teaching, and the occasional interesting outfit. He enjoys a bit of gardening and walks with the dog, Tatty.

  • Imogen Ball Young female vicar in Taunton church

    Imogen Ball


    Imogen joined All Saints in 2021 after training in Bristol. She and Jon job-share which is always a glorious juggle. She is learning lots in curacy and especially enjoys preaching and writing. She is interested in all things ‘womb’ and loves a good novel.

  • Jon Ball Young male vicar in Taunton church

    Jon Ball


    Jon also joined All Saints in 2021 and job-shares with Imogen. Jon is a curate, worship leader, preacher, and all round good guy! He hosts our Alpha course and is a Chaplain for Orchard Grove. He can also occasionally be seen riding a motorbike!

  • Children and families church worker

    Children and Families Worker

    Current Vacancy

    For more information on the requirements of the role, or how to apply for this position, please download our information pack below.

    Or, alternatively, contact the church office at churchoffice@trullchurch.org.uk.

  • Odette Lawton Professional church operations manager

    Odette Lawton

    Church Administrator

    Odette is our fabulous administrator. She handles all manner of queries and concerns and is based in the Trull Church Community Centre. Odette keeps us all on track while she tries to keep warm in the chilly office! She also enjoys crafty creations.

  • Andy Dunningham Trull Church Community Centre Manager

    Andy Dunningham

    TCCC Manager

    Andy loves football. And in his spare time he manages the Trull Church Community Centre. He oversees the Hive cafe, manages the building, and helps with booking of various church spaces. He can sometimes be found in the cleaning cupboard too.